I freakin’ love these crocheted frisbees! A while back at the dog park, I saw a guy throwing one of these for his dog. I couldn’t tell how it was made, but I could tell it was soft, so it couldn’t hurt the dog when she caught it, and is was floppy, because after she caught it, she had a blast shaking it as she brought it back to her person—very fierce! A crocheted frisbee is also great for the less athletically inclined—if your throw goes wild, it won’t hurt any dogs or people who get in the way. Now, people from the Pacific NW tend to be pretty reserved and I never know how someone will react when I speak to them. I grew up in Texas where it’s rude not to acknowledge people in public and even after 25 yrs. this reticence of PNW native can be startling. This guy, however, was happy to let me check out the frisbee and to tell me about it. He got his at a toy store because he immediately knew it’d be great for his dog and that he could always take it with him since he could fold it up. I also like that you can throw it in the wash. You can have a lot of fun with the colors you use, so be creative! Crochet Frisbee I (this pattern was developed for Handmade Especially for You a charity that organizes knitters & crocheters to make handmade scarves for abused women. One of their members realized a soft frisbee would be great for kids also affected by abuse since it could be used indoors, for instance in a shelter.)
Crochet Frisbee II
Scalloped Frisbee (this is really a potholder pattern, but I thought it’d make a neat frisbee too! photo is via Oiyi’s Crafts)
This is a friendly note to let you know that your website features a product that is patent pending. And that the product, called a Pocket Disc, supports impoverished indigenous women in Guatemala. Therefore we respectfully request that you attribute the product to us (the picture you are using is from our website) and include a link in your article to our website (www.pocketdisc.com).
We understand that your work supports a battered women’s shelter, a topic near and dear to us. After all we are trying to provide economic freedom to women in Guatemala, in part so that these women are financially able to leave abusive relationships.
If you want to collaborate with us, we would be happy to provide you with a coupon code and donate $2 to your charity with each coupon code purchase. Thanks in advance for your cooperation.
Rachel Larsen
My apologies! A rather awkward typo in the last comment… Here it is corrected.
Fair attribution is important, and stealing photos is no good.. However, patenting throwing a crocheted disc with a turned under lip? Good luck. It really doesn’t meet the “Inventive step, non-obvious” legal criteria, as flying discs of that shape are common, even in fabric, and the very similar “pot-holder” has been being thrown by inventive young people for years! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inventive_step_and_non-obviousness
I am more interested in knowing if it was accepted as a patent. I simply cannot understand that it would be accepted as anything other than a copyright pattern because so many people crochet and reproducing any pattern without the written instructions is simply a matter of looking at a photo of the item. A crocheted flying object is not new. I crocheted hotpads and my kids used them as Frisbies in the house. That was over 25 years ago. It is not a process but a pattern. Heck, you can sew a beret out of flannel and it becomes a frisbie like object. I read your patent application US8348713 and it simply evades me that this pattern could be patented. I see at the bottom of your site that the name is copyrighted.
Where can i access instructions?
Although I’m supporting fair trade products and women shelters… all over the world, I can not wrap my head around the fact you can have a patent for a tapestry crochet CIRCLE. You simply can not invent the wheel over and over again. I’m in my late fifties and I’m doing crochet since I was 4 years old, I made these ‘circles’ for almost 55 years.
Rachel, the picture is NOT stolen from the pocket disc website, it is from Lion Brand yarn’s website and it is offered as a free pattern, pattern number LO577. Maybe you took your pattern from Lion Brand? In any case, any decent crocheter can duplicate the pattern simply by looking at it and the pattern has been done in baskets by native Americans all over, so no. It does not belong to you.
Patent….there are legal terms for stuff like that not just a friggin paragraph…Rachel
Get it together ppl just don’t believte what people just write to them
You will have shitty karma and no financial bliss by being a piece of crap!!!
Love to get more design
Can’t patent it when she enquired about it from someone who bought it from a shop. The have been around since forever.
It’s unlikely the brand that was sold in the pet store didn’t come from Guatemala. I don’t know who Rachel Larsen is, but she doesn’t know the patent rules. Is this a clumsy attempt to get free advertsing for your organization? If so, then just make an honest plug. You didn’t gain any customers doing it this way. Anyway thank you for this pattern, I am going to make up a bunch and also make some with my own mandala designs WHICH ARE NOT PATENTED.
Oops, grammatical error. That should say “it is likely”