If We Can Teach A Whale To Pee In A Cup…


I LOVE Lili Chin’s work over at Doggie Drawing!  She does neato pet portraits and donates a portion of the proceeds to Boston Buddies rescue for Boston Terriers or to the rescue group of your choice.  Sweet!  Lili has illustrated books by very well- respected dog trainers & animal behaviorists, like Sophia Yin.  Equally awesome are her educational posters on dog body language, training, how to pet dogs, etc.

I particularly like this poster on what different wild & domesticated animals have been taught without resorting to force, intimidation, or pain.  If we can teach a whale to pee in a cup, can’t we train our dogs without force, intimidation, or pain?


DIY: Silhouette Pet Portraits Round-Up


(via SilhouetteArt)

A reader asked about tutorials for making silhouette pet portraits, so here you go!  You can do this for any pet, so don’t limit yourself to cats and dogs.  A budgie portrait would be really cute!

The video shows 2 techniques—a higher tech version that uses Adobe Illustrator & a robot cutter and lower tech version that uses tracing paper.


Here’s a second tutorial on how to make another version of a silhouette plaque.  Just use your pet’s portrait instead.


More ideas on ways to use pet silhouettes from Martha Stewart.  I think the suggestion to have a custom rubber stamp made of your pet’s silhouette is a great idea.  It would also make a nice gift for a pet lover.


I love this tote bag tutorial—it’d make a cute pillow too!  I think I’d sew the silhouette rather than glue it though.


Larger scale pet silhouettes made from plywood are a unique application.  You’ll need a jigsaw, router, or something similar for this project.


This two-toned silhouette portrait is lovely.  You can use all sorts of colors and patterns to create something really nifty!


An appliquéd onsey or t-shirt is pretty cute.

DIY: Pet Portrait Christmas Stocking

This tutorial from Stephanie over at Multi-Tasking Mama shows you how to turn a photo of your pet into a felt portrait you can put on a stocking or just about anything else—pillow, bag, etc.  You will need some type of photo editor like Photoshop.  The rest of the materials are pretty simple and the instructions are detailed & easy to follow.  You’ll need:

  • plain Christmas stocking or material to make your own
  • photo of your pet
  • photo editing software (like Photoshop)
  • felt or other fabric (at least 3 colors for highlights, shadows, & midtones)
  • fabric glue
  • embroidery thread & needle
  • scissors/Exacto knife
  • straight pins