Recall: Huge Recall of Iams & Eukanuba For Cats & Dogs

Iamslogo  Eukanubalogo

Procter & Gamble has issued a massive recall in the U.S. of both Iams & Eukanuba foods for cats and for dogs due to salmonella contamination.


Salmonella can cause severe illness in cats & dogs and cross-contamination to humans is possible resulting in serious illness.


If you have affected product, stop using it and discard it. For a replacement voucher, clip the code date and the UPC from your bag and mail to the address below. Include your complete address and telephone number.

If you have multiple affected bags, they want you to include a “register receipt with the code and UPC.”  I think that’s a shitty way to do business!  Other company’s recalls haven’t required this.  Boo on Procter & Gamble—I’m not impressed!

Consumer Relations
Attn: Katie
8700 Mason-Montgomery Rd.
Box 1534
Mason, OH 45040
All replacements will be processed within 4-6 weeks. If you have further questions please contact consumer care at




Iams Dog Food:


Iams Cat Food:



DIY: Raised Dog Bowls from Vintage Suitcase

Raised bowls from suitcase

Cool upcycling! Do you remember this really popular post on making pet beds out of vintage suitcases.  Here’s a project that transforms a vintage suitcase into a raised food & water bowl station.

Redditor, reallifedog, made this for his girlfriend and very kindly posted a good tutorial.  I just love clever people!  He points out he used standard hand tools except for a welder for the legs.  Don’t have a welder?  No worries—you can buy furniture legs at hardware stores and online.

(I’m assuming reallifedog is male.  I did some snooping and found pics of his that show a guy’s hands.  Yes, I’m that thorough obsessive compulsive about researching posts.)

Have an itch to make something?  Here are a TON of posts on DIY projects and tips!