Pet Living Wills

Have you heard of Pet Living Wills? They’re like regular living wills except these are instructions concerning your pets’ care in the event you are not available to ask.  I can see how this might seem silly to some, but I think it’s an interesting idea and at the very least should get you thinking about your pets’ welfare if you’re not there to make decisions on their behalf.  (via Unusual Business Ideas That Work)

$49 a year ($39 to renew) will get you an online record will be kept of:

  • when treatment should be provided or withheld
  • under what conditions you would support withholding treatment
  • what level of treatment expense you would be willing to incur under probable outcomes

I’m betting you could draw up your own living will for your pet for free and post it online for pet caregivers and vets to reference.

First Soup Kitchen Opens For Dogs

The German animal welfare organization, Tiertafel Deutschland, has opened the world’s first soup kitchen for dogs in Berlin. The soup kitchen called Animal Board provides one free meal a day to the dogs of the homeless and unemployed.

Tiertafel Deutschland also has a number of pet food banks established around Germany to provide food, treats, and toys.  I know some people might argue that if you can’t afford pets, you shouldn’t have them.  However, pets are just as much a part of the family for people struggling financially.  They provide companionship, someone to care for, security, and as the woman in the video below says, the joy pets bring is “therapy” for many.