Friday Fun: Tiny Hats On Cats



  1. an excess of construction paper that’s just lying around
  2. add artistic talent & a sense of humor
  3. fold in a commitment to go big or go home, even if you’re just making little paper hats for cats
  4. finally, mix with a very agreeable cat(s)

and you get Tiny Hats on Cats!

These come from Adam Ellis, who has written a book, Books of Adam; The Blunder Years and also does derpy portraits from photos.  See more of his kettehs on Adamtots.

DIY: Raised Dog Bowls from Vintage Suitcase

Raised bowls from suitcase

Cool upcycling! Do you remember this really popular post on making pet beds out of vintage suitcases.  Here’s a project that transforms a vintage suitcase into a raised food & water bowl station.

Redditor, reallifedog, made this for his girlfriend and very kindly posted a good tutorial.  I just love clever people!  He points out he used standard hand tools except for a welder for the legs.  Don’t have a welder?  No worries—you can buy furniture legs at hardware stores and online.

(I’m assuming reallifedog is male.  I did some snooping and found pics of his that show a guy’s hands.  Yes, I’m that thorough obsessive compulsive about researching posts.)

Have an itch to make something?  Here are a TON of posts on DIY projects and tips!

DIY: Interactive Toy For Dogs

This is so simple, yet so clever!  Saffron LOVES interactive, food dispensing toys.  I think she’d prefer that all her food required some work to get to it, given how excited she gets when she sees me filling her Tricky Treat Ball or hiding a chew treat in a box.

This DIY interactive toy just requires a muffin tin and 6 smallish balls.