Friday Fun: The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee

I have fallen in love with the itty bitty kitty committee. First—the name is perfection. Second—it has consistently outstanding kitten photos, not schmaltzy and you can just about hear them purring and feel their warm kitten tummies. Third—it’s excellent blogging about the joys and sometimes sorrows of fostering kittens. And, it turns out, Laurie has a shop, lalalaurie, on and you know how I love etsy. There’s even a post about crafting with kittens.

The IBKC takes in kittens and their mom, if they’re together, for the Tacoma/Pierce County Humane Society to raise, socialize, and love until they’re ready for adoption. Very cool! Check with your local shelter if you’re interested in fostering kittens. As the summer progresses, shelters will be overflowing with kittens. It takes commitment, but it’s a wonderful thing.

Charlene Butterbean is the resident cat and supreme Big Sister who loves the kittens and seems to take her roll quite seriously, well, maybe not always that seriously.

Images used with permission of the Itty Bitty Kitty Committee.

Friday Fun: American Bulldog “Yodeling” Upside Down

We have a soft spot for American Bulldogs because one of the first dogs Saffron was friends with was Ollie. He did so much to boost her confidence that we love him bunches. Ollie is such a dude of a dog, but he also has a good dose of goosiness in him that is hysterical to see in such a regal boy. Looks like he’s not the only one with a silly streak.

Check out Redbull chatting upside down. He gets a funny lilt in his voice near the end. Silly boy!