We’ve got a bunch of pet food recalls going on—several due to possible salmonella contamination, two because of dangerously high levels of Vitamin D, and another due to incorrect packaging.
First up we have an expanded recall of Diamond dog foods due to potential Salmonella contamination. (If you have questions or want replacement product or a refund, contact Diamond Pet Foods at 800-442-0402, 8 am – 6 pm EST, Monday through Friday or check out their site www.diamondpetrecall.com.)
1. Diamond Puppy Food (dry dog food)

Size |
Product Code |
Best-By Date |
40lb |
DPP0401B22XJW |
6-Apr-2013 |
40lb |
DPP0401A21XAW |
6-Apr-2013 |
40lb |
DPP0101C31XME |
11-Jan-2013 |
40lb |
DPP0401B21XDJ |
7-Apr-2013 |
20lb |
DPP0401B22XJW |
6-Apr-2013 |
20lb |
DPP0101C31XME |
11-Jan-2013 |
20lb |
DPP0101C31XRB |
11-Jan-2013 |
8lb |
7-Apr-2013 |
6oz (sample) |
DPP0401 |
2. Diamond Naturals Lamb & Rice

Size |
Product Code |
Best-By Date |
6lb |
04 Jan 2013 |
20lb |
DLR0101C31XAG |
03 Jan 2013 |
40lb |
DLR0101C31XMF |
03 Jan 2013 |
40lb |
DLR0101C31XAG |
03 Jan 2013 |
40lb |
DLR0101D32XMS |
04 Jan 2013 |
3. Chicken Soup for the Pet Lover’s Soul Adult Light Formula (dry dog food)

Size |
Product Code |
Best-By Day |
35lb |
CLF0102B31XCW |
27/JAN/2013 |
35lb |
CLF0102B31XCW |
28/JAN/2013 |
35lb |
CLF0102B32XWR |
28/JAN/2013 |
6lb |
28/JAN/2013 |
Kaytee is recalling 2 types of baby bird food due to dangerously high levels of Vitamin D which can cause kidney failure. Signs of hypervitamintosis D in birds include:
- Lethargy
- Anorexia
- Crop stasis
- Vomiting
- Dehydration
- Polyuria
- Polydipsia
- Stunting or delayed development
For important information on tests and treatment read Kaytee’s hypervitamintosis D information page for you and your veterinarian. (Call Kaytee at 1-800 Kaytee-1 (800 529-8331) or email kayteehandfeedingbabybirdrecall@central.com for information on a refund.)
1. Kaytee exact Hand Feeding Formula Baby Bird

Size |
Product Code |
Lot/Serial # |
UPC Code |
Best-By Date |
6/7.5 oz |
100032326 |
A1 |
07185947510 |
21 Mar 2013
20 Apr 2013 |
6/18 oz |
100032328 |
A2 |
07185947511 |
9 Mar 2013
19 Apr 2013 |
4/5 lb |
A3 |
07185947512 |
14 Mar 2013
30 Mar 2013
16 May 2013 |
4/5 lb |
100034332 |
A3 (Petco) |
07185947512 |
30 March 2013 |
1/22 lb |
100032336 |
A4 |
07185947518 |
21 Mar 2013
13 Apr 2013
16 May 2013 |
2. Kaytee exact Hand Feeding Formula Baby Macaw

Size |
Product Code |
Lot/Serial # |
UPC Code |
Best-By Date |
4/5 lb |
100032337 |
B1 |
07185947515 |
1 Mar 2013
14 Mar 2013
19 Apr 2013 |
Kaytee is also recalling a mouse, rat, & hamster food due to potential salmonella contamination. This food was widely distributed around the world—states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Puerto Rico, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin; and, into the countries of Abu Dhabi, Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Brunei, Canada, China, Costa Rica, Czechoslovakia, Dominican Republic, Dutch Antilles, Finland, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Guam, Honduras, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Korea, Kuwait, Mexico, New Zealand, Pakistan, Panama, Russia, Singapore, South Africa, Sweden, Thailand, and Trinidad. (Call 1-800-Kaytee1 (800 529-8331) phone number or Kaytee.com for questions regarding pets that have been fed the product. For a refund, fill out this form on the Kaytee site.)
1. Kaytee Forti-Diet Pro Health Mouse, Rat and Hamster

Size |
Material # |
UPC Code |
Best Before Code |
6/5 lb |
100502315 |
71859 00001 |
03-Apr-2013 K61 |
25 lb |
100502086 |
71859 99995 |
31-Mar-2013 |
6/3 lb |
100502085 |
71859 99994 |
31-Mar-2013 K63 |
25 lb |
100502275 (Petco only) |
71859 00000 |
30-Mar-2013 |
And finally, DuMOR produced for the Tractor Supply Company is recalling a poultry feed due to incorrect packaging. This one can be confusing if you look at the FDA site, so here it is in a nutshell. Some packages of DuMOR Poultry Grower/Finisher (which is for chicks) actually contain DuMOR Poultry Layer 16% Crumbles (which is for egg layers). The adult food can be harmful to chicks. (For more information contact your Tractor Supply Company location, or Feed Solutions Customer Service at 615-315-4092 or 615-315-4090 (Monday-Friday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM CDT).
1. DuMOR Poultry Grower/Finisher

Item # |
Formula # |
Lot # |
0046445 |
60Y9 |
2MAR15OKC1 |