DNA Reveals Origin Of Domestic Cat


Scientists have found that all domestic cats descended from wild cats from the Middle East—in particular, from the Fertile Crescent, which was located in what is now Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey. This means that domestic cats in different areas didn’t originate from the wild cats in those areas as was once thought. Domestic cats in Europe did not come from the European wildcat. Today’s domestic cats all descend from five female cats from the Middle East. It was due to humans transporting their cats that domestic cats spread throughout the world.

Archaeological evidence points to cats being domesticated much earlier than once believed. It has long been thought the Egyptians first domesticated the cat around 4,000 years ago (2,000 B.C.) But, findings published in 2004, revealed that a Neolithic site on Cyprus had provided the earliest archaeological evidence of domestic cats from 9,500 years ago (7,500 B.C.) The DNA and archaeological evidence supports the theory that cats and people began sharing their lives as humans began to settle and farm, and had grain stores that needed to be protected from vermin.

Chopper Pilot Mourned By His Dog Molly

molly.jpgOn just about any other day, Phoenix KNXV-TV helicopter pilot Craig Smith, would have been flying with his dog Molly. But on the day of the fatal crash of two helicopters, Molly, a West Highland Terrier, had been left behind in the rush to cover the breaking story. Molly went everywhere with Craig Smith. She was a fixture in his helicopter and even accompanied him to the dentist. In the end, she also attended Smith’s funeral. Smith had planned for Molly in case anything happened to him. His parents will now be caring for Molly.

Mutt Muffs—Hearing Protection For Dogs


muttmuffs.jpg Who knew, but how smart?! Mutt Muffs offer hearing protection for our pups. They were created by a Cessna pilot for her dog who accompanies her on flights. She realized the noise of the cockpit must be affecting her dog’s sensitive hearing and that he needed hearing protection just as much as humans. Dogs wearing Mutt Muffs are more alert and happy on flights, where before they “slept” and were probably trying to tune out all the noise.

Mutt Muffs have the same high density foam used in pilot’s headsets and they’re designed to be shake-proof, so your dog won’t shake them off. The site says dogs get used to them pretty quickly and they do look like they are designed to fit really well. I don’t know that I’d use them on a dog in the baggage compartment of a commercial flight since they’d be unsupervised. But, I could see them helping with fireworks or ongoing noise like construction, in addition to flights in private planes or in the cabin of commercial flights.

FlexPetz—Shared Dog Ownership


FlexPetz offers time shares in dogs for people who don’t have enough space or time for full-time dog ownership. Members are able to reserve a dog for a certain day, then pick up the dog or have it delivered, and the dog comes with its own “care kit”, including leash, food, bowls, and bed. FlexPetz was started so people who miss having a dog, but know they aren’t able to be a full-time dog owner, could still have canine companionship.

I’m not sure how I feel about this. I don’t like the idea of people thinking dogs are just an object you can rent or something disposable or interchangable. But I do like the idea of people benefiting from having a dog even if circumstance don’t make it possible for them to responsibly have a dog full-time. Dogs can add so much to our lives:

  • more exercise
  • companionship and love
  • reduced stress
  • more laughter
  • more socializing with other people
  • a level of security
  • improved physical and mental health

FlexPetz says it adopts rescue dogs when possible and I immediately noticed on their site that they have black labs, which are dogs least likely to be adopted from shelters. (Check out the post on black dog syndrome to see the problems black shelter dogs face.) FlexPetz must choose dogs who are unfazed by moving around and meeting lots of people, but even then I don’t like the idea that these dogs lives might be too chaotic. However, these dogs are probably some of the best exercised dogs around and have the most enriched lives, because the people spending time with them are literally invested in them. FlexPetz is insanely expensive.

If you long for time with a dog, I think a better idea might be volunteering at a rescue organization for dog walking, training, socializing, and grooming. Check with your local Humane Society or animal shelter.