Dominic is a remarkable dog with only two left legs.
Pet Food Recall: Safe Food List
Since the recall list just keeps growing, I want to remind you there is a very well maintained list of safe (not part of the recall) pet foods at I strongly encourage you to check it out.
You can find out much more on the recall on my Pet Food Recall Archive Page.
Pet Food Recall: Widens Again, An Arrest, Legislation
Two months after its first recall, Menu Foods has expanded their recall to include products made without wheat gluten, but that might have been cross-contaminated. There are many more added to the list, so be sure to check the list of newly recalled foods for the US and the list for Canada.
China has made an arrest in the case, but I have to wonder if they’re just making a scapegoat out of some guy who was operating with the tacit approval of the Chinese government, since it sounds like adding melamine to food additives is a common occurrence in China. Also, some of the wheat gluten was mislabeled and shipped through a third party—a textile company. Again, it sounds like this isn’t uncommon. I think what these individuals did is wrong, but clearly the problem is the Chinese government and the government isn’t who will be pilloried.
Arresting a few people won’t change the lax enforcement of the Chinese government, so I’m glad to see Sen. Durbin is working to ensure the safety of pet food in the US.
You can find out much more on the recall on my Pet Food Recall Archive Page.
Pet Food Recall: FDA Changes Numbers Finally
You can find out much more on the recall on my Pet Food Recall Archive Page.
Disapproving Rabbits!
Cinnamon says, “Nope, no sir, I don’t like it.”
Rabbits disapproving greatly. So watch out Christmas and shabby chic and hippies—you’re already on their list. I think everyone should watch out, lest the flames of bunny disapproval rain down upon your head. (via