Allie over at Hyperbole and a Half has done it again. She and her boyfriend moved and thus began her tale of woe that is known as Dogs Don’t Understand Basic Concepts Like Moving.
Science News Bites: Shaking, Collars, Drinking
- Dog shake physics—wet animals are so efficient at shaking water out of their fur, it probably has mechanical applications with washing machines, spin coaters, painting devices, etc.
- Cat collars safer than previously thought. Lost cats are much less likely to be found than lost dogs, so researchers wanted to see how well cats would tolerate a collar & just how dangerous. In one city surveyed, 40% of lost cats were indoor-only cats and fewer than 2% of lost cats are reunited with their owners, so indoor cats need collars with tags too. In terms of safety, the study reported that out of 391 cats, only 18 cats got their collar stuck in their mouth, a limb, or another object.
- Cats are masters of hydrodynamics. Cats average 4 laps per second without getting their chin or whiskers wet. A column of water forms between the tongue and the surface of the liquid. Dogs’ tongues scoop up water, while cats’ tongues don’t break the surface. One of the researchers got the idea after watching his own cat drink milk.
DIY: Cat Toys From Felt Sushi Tutorial & Pattern
Felt sushi are perfect for kitties! With a couple of modifications, this tutorial for felt sushi will make some awesome cat toys that would be fun gifts for the holidays. One thing I’d change is instead of beads for the tobiko, use french knots with orange embroidery floss. They’ll still look good and will be safer. And don’t forget to add some good catnip!
Hero Dog From Afghanistan Accidentally Euthanized In Shelter
I don’t want to write this post. In August I told you about 3 dogs in Afghanistan who thwarted a suicide bomber and saved 50 human lives. The 2 surviving dogs, Rufus & Target, were brought to the U.S. and later their offspring came too. Such lucky dogs. Target went to live with Sgt. Terry Young and his family in Arizona.
Tragically, Target, who helped stop the suicide bomber by attacking him, was killed in an Arizona animal shelter due to a mistake. To have survived so much, only to be killed in an animal shelter just breaks my heart. I can’t imagine what this soldier and his family are going through. You can see how important these dogs were to the men who befriended them in this piece from when Sgt. Young was on the Oprah Show.
Friday Fun: Shiba Inu Puppy Talking In His Sleep
Oh my, this is cute! (Yea, I found the Japanese version, so you see more videos of this puppy and his family.)