Translation Of Dogs Saves Dog News Story

I found a translation of what the newscaster is saying in the video of the dog risking its own life to save the life of a dog injured on a Chilean freeway.

These images seen from the surveillance cameras show a very common situation with our overpopulated highways. It is normal for us to see dogs run over. In the video, we can see this dog fighting for his life because he was run over by the vehicle.  What is very touching is to see the very heroic actions of this other dog who is trying to pull him to the side of the highway. We are going to keep seeing things like this until we find a solution to the dogs living on the streets.

There is an update on the dogs in Chile and you can see the video in this previous post.

4 Replies to “Translation Of Dogs Saves Dog News Story”

  1. Doesn’t ANYONE know what happened to these poor dogs? Good god, can’t it be emblazoned on the news locally to that forsaken area of the highway and ask if anyone helped?
    Animal lover from way back
    I’d have stopped – it may have cost me my life but I’d have stopped.
    Momma Nature

  2. Shocking; what compassion shown by this dog! How compassionate are we to our fellow man? “And the King answered and said to them, ‘truly I say unto you inasmuch as you have done it unto one of the least of these my brother, you have done it unto me.” Jesus
    Matthew 25:40

  3. I saw this video replayed this week. It is heartbreaking to see this wonderful dog trying so hard to pull the other dog to safety, away from the vehicles that kept hitting him. No one had a moment to stop and help? That is so disgusting. I love animals and people could learn much from them if they took a minute from their hectic lives. I’m busy, too, but I would never be too busy to stop for something like that. My job could wait. It is too bad the hero dog was never found. I am sure many people would love to adopt, me included. What a huge heart. I would love that dog forever.

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