They’re Watching Us…

Anyone who has been around dogs knows they pay attention to what we’re doing, but you may not realize just how closely they’re watching you.  Sarah Marshall-Pescini, a scientist in Italy, has shown that dogs pay attention to how we treat other people—in particular, how generous we are other with other humans. This observational ability is pretty rare.  Humans, chimpanzees, and some large fish are known to do it, but a big difference is the chimps are watching how a chimp cooperates with other chimps and the large fish watch how “cleaner fish” cooperate with other large fish.  Dogs, on the other hand, are watching how humans deal with other humans, not just how humans deal with other dogs.  Pretty cool!

Podcast Episode 106: Vet Visit

Here’s Episode 106 – Vet Visit:

Learn the steps you can take so your dog is less anxious when visiting your vet.

Click below to play.

You can listen to it here and or on iTunes.  We also have an RSS feed you can subscribe to if you use an RSS reader.

Check out these topics mentioned in the podcast:

Friday Fun: Cats & Treadmills

This first one is of two very suspicious kitties.  That one has an amazing bitchslap—our cat Sage, the most sweet, mild cat I’ve ever known, can totally throw down with her own awesome bitchslap.

The second video is of a most reluctant athlete.  He’s a lounger, not a walker.