Friday Fun: Goats & Sheep Yelling Like People

I like goats (not so much sheep), but I’m not sure I could live with this.  Some of them seem like they haven’t gotten the hang of caprine or ovine language.  Others just seem to have an attitude problem.  Enjoy! (thanks, Holly!)

And don’t miss these other goat posts:

How To Be A Good Vet Client

vetcaduceusxoJane has practical advice on how to How Not To Be A Dick At The Vet Hospital.  Both of Claire Lower’s parents are vets and she’s heard lots of stories about difficult owners.  Her father says, “Not all pet owners are crazy, but all crazy people have pets.”  Your pets will be better off if you’re not one of those crazy people!

Claire’s mom has also written a piece on her own blog on being a good vet client.  I was really struck by this piece of advice:

Be upfront with the doctor.  If you only have $250 to spend let them know.   The worst feeling is running blood tests and X-rays then finding out there is no more money to treat the pet.  I have a saying.. “X-rays are not therapeutic”

Don’t let your embarrassment hurt your pet.  Speak up and tell your vet what’s going on.  Your pets are counting on you!

We Like: Gate Closing Springs

gatespringHurray for gate springs!  They are an inexpensive (~$11) way to make sure your gate closes and latches anytime someone opens it.  This a a great way to keep your dog safe without having to rely on people actually remembering to make sure the gate is closed.

Gate springs can be found at most hardware stores and are really easy to install.  Use some care in adjusting the tension on the screw.