DIY: Warm Winter Cat Houses

Pet cats living outside and stray & feral cats have a really hard time in winter—those low temperatures can be deadly.  If your neighborhood has cats living outside and if your living situation allows, here are some inexpensive, DIY shelters you can make to give them a warm, dry place to sleep.

Obviously, don’t place the house where a dog can get to it, or where your indoor cats can see it, if your cats are threatened by strange cats in their territory.  Seeing a strange cat outside can disturb indoor cats and trigger redirected aggression where they attack other cats in your house.  If there are predators like raccoons, coyotes, bobcats, etc. in the area, cut a hole in the front and the back of the shelter so cats have a way to escape.

styrofoamshelterThe Urban Cat League has several designs for easy, low-cost shelters.  The styrofoam cooler house is probably the easiest and cheapest shelter. (Find instructions & materials needed here.)  The shelter intentionally tilted so that in case any water gets inside, the high end stays dry for the cat.


igloocoolershelterThe picnic cooler house is also pretty easy and used coolers can often be found at thrift stores and garage sales.  (Find instructions & materials needed here.)  This shelter will be quite durable.  It’s also tilted to the high end stays dry even if water gets inside.


largetubshelterThe insulated storage bin house is lined with foam core insulation that’s moisture resistant and has a foil covered side to reflect body heat back towards the cat.  (Find instructions & materials needed here.)  This shelter has drainage holes for any water that might get inside.


foilbackedinsulationshelterThe foam core insulation house is made by bolting together the rigid foam insulation using large washers.   (Find instructions & materials needed here.)  This design places the entrance higher to keep bedding inside.  It also has drainage holes.


2tubshelterThe Ian Somerhalder Foundation (yes, that Ian Somerhalder) has a design for an insulated 2 bin house.  This is another easy one that doesn’t take much work or require many tools.  They also suggest lining the inner compartment with a mylar blanket to reflect the cat’s body heat.  These blankets are found in the sporting or camping section of discount stores.


insulatedcondoshelterThis insulated condo won’t win any beauty contests, but it is clever, low cost, and easy to make.  The exterior is rigid foam insulation glued together with heavy-duty construction adhesive.  Two storage bins serve as the inner compartments.

If We Can Teach A Whale To Pee In A Cup…


I LOVE Lili Chin’s work over at Doggie Drawing!  She does neato pet portraits and donates a portion of the proceeds to Boston Buddies rescue for Boston Terriers or to the rescue group of your choice.  Sweet!  Lili has illustrated books by very well- respected dog trainers & animal behaviorists, like Sophia Yin.  Equally awesome are her educational posters on dog body language, training, how to pet dogs, etc.

I particularly like this poster on what different wild & domesticated animals have been taught without resorting to force, intimidation, or pain.  If we can teach a whale to pee in a cup, can’t we train our dogs without force, intimidation, or pain?


Friday Fun: Opposites

Here’s a study of opposites —“bliss” and “misery”, or at least this pup believes she’s in misery.  Poor Alice, the French Bulldog, might not survive if she doesn’t get up on that couch.  She really, really means it!  Seriously!!

And next, we have Pocket, the Scottish Fold, who may be one of the happiest creatures on the planet.  Sooooooo happppppy, he’s mellllltttingggg.

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had wonderful holidays!  I wish you and yours all the best in 2013.  My main hope for the coming year is for progress on animal welfare issues in developing countries and in areas with severe poverty.    There are signs of hope in some places.  Egyptian Society for Mercy in Egypt, Rudozem Street Dog Rescue in Bulgaria, Rez Dog Rescue in the Yakima Valley of Washington State.

My plans for the New Year are fairly simple:

  • I want to add a second walk for Saffron per day to the one looong walk she already gets—good for both of us!  MapMyWalk is my favorite tool for finding out how far we walk.
  • I’m going to get more DIY projects done for the furred ones.  I’m currently working on a cute, red raincoat for Saffron based on this DIY Doggie Raincoat.  She looks like Little Red Riding Hood.
  • I also need to do more to enrich our cats’ lives.  More playtime and more places for them to perch around our house.

We hope you all have a happy, healthy, & prosperous year!

Outstanding Cat Agility Video!

Oh, hell yeah!  I. Love. This. Kid!  Puff, Cashmere, and Flicker are 3 of the luckiest cats to have Daniel as their person.  He has done an incredible job clicker training them and as a result, is keeping their brains sharp & their bodies fit.  I love the effort he’s put into his equipment too.  Daniel even has site with cat training tips called Cattrainingtips.  What a neat young man!