Operation Baghdad Pups

The SPCA International has launched Operation Baghdad Pups to bring home the dogs and cats befriended by US soldiers. It’s great to see these animals cared for after they’ve provided comfort and companionship to our soldiers in Iraq. I think the fact that soldiers keep rescuing these needy animals shows just how important they are to moral.


Operation Baghdad Pups has rescued Liberty who was found during a house raid, K-Pot who was found ensnarled in razor wire, and Charlie who was found as a puppy close to death. The program is now working to rescue 13 more animals rescued by US servicemen.

One Reply to “Operation Baghdad Pups”

  1. I really wish I could access the Operation Baghdad Pups web site. I am in Afghanistan and we have a kitten here that has grown on us and we have been trying to find ways of sending it back stateside but they are just to expensive and we dont have much time left here. It’s sad because the kitten has a horrible eye infection that has destoryed its left eye and gotten infected and we are at a loss because we dont have vets here to treat it. we do the best we can with small doses of antibiotics and cleaning but if we cant get him to the states the infection is sure to kill him in time. If anyone from the Operation Baghdad Pups reads this and thinks there is any hope please feel free to email me at hauntedone11@yahoo.com. Thank you for establishing this program even if there is nothing that can be done.

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