Ratchet, a stray puppy found on a burning pile of trash, was lucky enough to be rescued by Army Spc. Gwen Beberg. She took care of him and he took care of her. With the help of Baghdad Pups, she arranged to have him flown to the U.S. to live with her parents until she returns. At the last moment, the Army seized Ratchet and his future looked grim. But, now the Army has changed it’s mind and seemingly stepped back from the issue. Maj. Daniel Elliott, a spokesman for U.S. forces, said:
Ratchet is a wild dog indigenous to Iraq. A stray, befriended by a soldier. As such, we do not control him, nor can we ‘order’ him not to leave” the base.
It looks like Ratchet will be heading to his new home soon. Army Spc. Beberg may be paying a price for her efforts to save Ratchet. She is apparently facing demotion.
Don’t miss the video.