To be fair and balanced, here’s what dogs think about the iPad. Chloe the Corgi is not a fan of the iPad’s user interface. (via buzzfeed)
No Mouse, No Problem! Cat Loves iPad!
The new Apple iPad has gotten strong reactions from people—positive and negative. Some people criticize that Apple is too controlling, but other people praise the iPad’s utility and intuitive ease of use. I’m thinking Iggy the kitty makes a strong argument for utility and intuitive ease of use. Now I want one! (thanks Erik & Brooke)
Friday Fun: Kittehs & Easter Egg
Friday Fun: A Kitten & Her Elusive Tail
What a fluffie dumpling!
Friday Fun: Jigsaw Doesn’t Do Mornings
Me either! But, I think Jigsaw is a lot cuter waking up than I am.