DIY: Cat Tower That Wraps A Corner

This Mighty Cat Tower is unusual in that it wraps around a corner with an unusual footprint to make it less obtrusive.  What a great idea!  You probably should anchor it to the wall, but if the base is heavy enough maybe it wouldn’t need it.

The post is short on instructions, but has a good list of materials.  And there’s a video to teach your kitties how to make the most of their cat tower.  Check out previous posts on building:

Important Note: the author of on of the Cat Tree tutorial recommends using 3/8″ Brazilian sisal rope because it’s stronger, but more importantly because it’s less heavily oiled than other sisal rope.

The Obama’s New Dog

bofirstdogThe First Family has their new dog.  They’re getting a Portuguese Water Dog puppy that Sasha and Malia have already named Bo (his registered name is Amigo’s New Hope).  Bo was returned to his breeder because he and the other dogs didn’t get along in his first home.

Some people who work in animal rescue are disappointed the Obamas didn’t get their new dog from a shelter or rescue organization.  Others are upset they got a pure bred dog.  I think ultimately families need to research and give it a lot of thought and do what’s best for their own family.   In this instance, the Obamas wanted to ensure the new dog didn’t cause allergy problems for Malia, which might lead to the dog needed yet another home.

Breeders and fans of Portuguese Water Dogs are worried that the attention given the First Family’s new dog will lead to over-breeding by puppy mills trying to cash in on a fad. Rescue groups are worried people will buy Portuguese Water Dogs who aren’t prepared for their energy and needs.  Happily, Bo has a headstart on fitting into his new family.  He’s already had a month’s worth of training.

If you want to learn more about Portuguese Water Dogs, check out the PWD Club of America.