Canine Heritage Breed Test

Have you always wondered just what your mixed breed dog is? Are his legs short because he’s part dachshund, does she bay because she’s part hound, is her speed because there’s Whippet in there somewhere? Now you can get some answers. The Canine Heritage Breed Test can test for the thirty-eight breeds listed below. All you do is swab the inside of your dog’s cheek with the swab provided in the kit and send it in. It’s non-invasive and you don’t need a vet to do it. Owners and rescue groups can now have more information about the dogs in their care. This could be really useful in explaining behaviors like herding and for keeping an eye out for health issues. The kit costs $65. Of course, I wish they had more herding dogs, like the Australian Cattle Dog, and the terriers seem underrepresented. The company does say it intends to add more breeds. We plan to check Saffron. I’ll let you know what we find out.

I am in no way affiliated with MetaMorphix, nor am I an investor.

Afghan Hound
Basset Hound
Belgian Tervuren
Bernese Mountain Dog
Border Collie
Chinese Shar-Pei
Chow Chow
Cocker Spaniel
Doberman Pinscher
English Setter

German Shepherd
German Shorthaired Pointer
Golden Retriever
Italian Greyhound
Labrador Retriever
Miniature Schnauzer
Shetland Sheepdog
Siberian Husky
St. Bernard
Yorkshire Terrier

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George, The Jack Russell, Saves Children


George, a brave little Jack Russell in New Zealand, showed just how much courage can be packed into a little terrier body. When two aggressive, unrestrained pit bulls lunged at the group of children he was with, George tried to protect the children by barking at and charging the much larger dogs, allowing the children to escape and get help. Heartbreakingly, George was too badly injured to be saved himself. I know there are a lot of people who share their lives with terriers and who know just how fiercely protective they can be despite their small size—give them some extra love today.

Pet Food Recall: Melamine & Cyanuric Acid Combo Deadly


Renal tubule blocked by crystals.

Two months into the pet food recall, scientists weren’t sure why melamine and cyanuric acid, which are not thought to be very toxic, were killing pets. Now scientists at the University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada, may have found the answer as to how the contaminants in the tainted pet foods cause renal failure. Perry Martos mixed melamine and cyanuric acid together and it almost immediately formed crystals like those found in the kidneys of animals that died. Unfortunately, these crystals appear to be very insoluble.

On April 20th, I wrote that researchers have identified three melamine by-products in the tissue and urine of affected animals.(article via PetConnection) Scientists at the University of Guelph, Ontario, Cornell’s College of Veterinary Medicine, and Michigan State University’s Diagnostic Center for Population & Animal Health have found cyanuric acid (used as a stabilizer for pool chlorine), amilorine, and amiloride.

Michigan State University’s Diagnostic Center for Population & Animal Health has photographs of these crystals in the kidney of an affected dog and micrographs of these crystals clogging the renal tubules of the kidney. It makes it easier to understand what these crystals did when you see these images. (Note: At the time these pathology slides were prepared, it was still thought that aminopterin was the contaminant.)

You can find out much more on the recall on my Pet Food Recall Archive Page.
Continue reading “Pet Food Recall: Melamine & Cyanuric Acid Combo Deadly”