Hi guys! I wanted to let you know about some exciting goings-on here at Pet Project.
My first podcast debuts this month on iTunes. I’ll post a link to let you know where to go and how to subscribe. My friend & producer, Steve Ewing, had the idea and has been encouraging & educating me about audio recording. I can actually listen to myself now without hiding my face, though we decided Steve has to do the intros because I feel like I’m pretending to be a radio dj when I do them—cue overly-enthusiastic announcer voice.
The first podcasts give you a chance to get to know me some. You may have noticed it took me forever to get something posted “About” me on the blog. It’s hard to sum yourself up in a few words. I’ll be talking about my life with pets in the first podcasts—that was easy to talk about! In the future, I’ll be interviewing people and talking about news, tips, and issues. Exciting! I never thought I’d be doing any of this.
Pet Project is getting a logo. I’m pretty excited about this, because it will give the site a visual identity and now when people ask me if I have a business card, I can say, “Why yes I do!” And if I make any more Top 10 lists, they can use my logo. When I made the Top 10 DIY Sites list for Discovery’s Planet Green site, I didn’t even spot it because I didn’t have a logo for them to use.
The site is getting a redesign. It will look a bit different—different colors & a different banner—and it’ll be much easier to find archived posts. Yea! I want you to be able to access the archive easily and it’s gotten too big to do that the way it is now.
And I’m finally getting around to the giveaways! No really! That fall down a flight of stairs in December really put a hitch in my plans. Keep your eyes out for information on how to enter. There are actually a few giveaways, so I can say a big “Thank you!” for your support. Y’all rock!