Animal Poison Control Center At ASPCA


The ASPCA’s Animal Poison Control Center at 1-(888)-426-4435 is a great resource. It could save your pet’s life someday. They’re available 24 hours a day every single day of the year and have 25 veterinarians on staff—including nine board-certified toxicologists—and 13 certified veterinary technicians.

If you suspect your pet has been poisoned, follow these guidelines. Read them now, so if somethings does happen, you’ll be familiar with what to do. You’ll need to tell the hotline about the suspected poison and details about your pet. There’s also have a list of what to have in a first aid kit in case of poisoning. I thought I was prepared, but I hadn’t thought of a turkey baster to administer hydrogen peroxide.

Pet-proof your home after checking out their list of household hazards. Even if you think you know what to avoid, check out their list. You might be surprised by what’s on it and what’s not. Raisins, grapes, blue-green algae (in ponds)—unsafe. Poinsettias, silica gel, glow jewelry—non-toxic (could still cause upset tummies.)

There’s a comprehensive list of safe house plants and a guide to safe flowers and bouquets, including an offer through that gives 10% of net proceeds of your purchase to the ASPCA (use the promotion code ASPCA when ordering.) Even horses aren’t left out. There’s a list of plants hazardous to horses that even includes a photo gallery.

Get your own free magnet with the phone number for the Animal Poison Control Center. You’ll also get a window decal to let rescue personnel know you have pets in your home. Comes To TV


A new reality TV show show centered around is in the works on Animal Planet Network for early 2008.(via is a web site where shelters and rescue organizations post photos and information about animals who need homes. You can search for certain breeds, age range, a specific sex, size, location, pets with special needs, declawed cats, and excluding animals not good with children. It’s how I found Saffron.

The show will follow families looking to adopt a pet and will also look at the animals’ stories. According to the description, families will take in “teacher pets”—pets who already have homes—so the family can learn what pet will be the best fit. I’m not sure if this means families will be trying out dogs, cats, reptiles, etc. or if it means families will be trying high energy dogs, couch-potato dogs, puppies, etc. to find the right fit.

The show will be filmed in and around Los Angeles and they’re looking for people thinking about adopting a pet to be part of the show. You can apply by filling out this form.(pdf)

Animal Wall Paper Stickers

catwallstickers1-copy.jpgThere are some great wall paper stickers out there. Now, don’t you go running for the exits! These are not the surface designs that were popular in the 60’s & 70’s. Nor are they cutesy kids stuff. These are from hip designers in Denmark, France, and the U.S.

These cats are pretty fun. There’s also this kitty with his zig-zaggy tail. You can get more realistic cats to adorn your walls and maybe surprise your animals. Our Sage would be pretty alarmed to find more black cats lurking around thegoldfishwallsticker.jpg house besides our Raven.

Cats not your thing? How about this stunning gold fish. I love this guy. Or a koi pond? You can have some Keith Haring’s barking dogs too.

Availability in the U.S. may be a problem, but keep your eye out. Some companies offer designs in a removable form too, so adding some fun to your home doesn’t have to be a permanent commitment. Pretty nifty!

Connecticut Dog Given Order of Protection

Riley, with Brian and Mary Ann Reynolds and daughter Briana Carilli.

After allegedly kicking her ex-husband’s six month old dog with both feet, Cassandra Reynolds was ordered to have no contact with the Golden Retriever, Riley. The judge issued the order of protection under Connecticut’s new law called “An Act Concerning the Protection of Pets in Domestic Violence Cases”.

Pets are often victims in domestic abuse cases. Abusers use threats against pets to control their human victims. And abusers follow through with those threats to punish their humans victims. Agencies across the U.S. are realizing domestic violence, child abuse, and animal cruelty are often closely linked and where there is one form of violence, there may well be the others. Police, homeless shelters, and animal control services are learning to recognize and respond to the signs of animal cruelty, domestic violence, and child abuse.

Read more about the studies mentioned in the New York Times article—The Abuse of Animals & Domestic Violence: A National Survey of Shelter for Women Who Are Battered and Animal Welfare & Domestic Violence. Learn more about what can be done for victims of domestic violence who fear for their pets from the book Safe Haven For Pets: Guidelines for Programs Sheltering Pets for Women Who Are Battered(pdf), by Frank R. Ascione, Ph.D. Check if your community’s shelters and animal welfare agencies are cooperating to help victims of domestic violence and their pets.