Thrifty Things: Towels & Bowls

I’ve written before about some of the great things you can find for your pets at thrift stores & garage sales and I was reminded today just how much money you can save by recycling or repurposing things you find at thrift stores.

A bunch of the towels we use on the cats & dog had become pretty ragged & threadbare, but the towels we use for ourselves are still too nice to be relegated to the pets. I wasn’t about to go buy new towels for the 4 legged creatures, so I checked my favorite thrift store and found 4 thick bath towels for under $8 total, which is about the cost of one new towel.

I also needed a couple of glass bowls for water and found good sized Pyrex bowls for under $5 total that will be perfect. Pyrex is thick and pretty rugged so these bowls won’t get chipped or cracked.  Sweet!

Here are some of the other things I’d try to find at a thrift store or garage sale before I bought them new:

  1. pet crates (This is probably the best bargain you’ll find. Crates can be pretty pricey ($20-150+), but I see them in all sizes pretty regularly at my favorite thrift store.)
  2. bird cages
  3. glass aquariums
  4. stainless steel pet bowls
  5. Habitrail components
  6. kitty condos (you could recover it pretty easily with carpet remnants and a staple gun)
  7. storage bins with lids (for storing toys or to make your own awesome litterbox)
  8. blankets for pet beds

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