DIY: Crocheted & Felted Pet Bed

crochetbedFor those of you who crochet, here’s a pattern for a pet bed (scroll down) called Kitty Cuddles.  It’s crocheted & felted and is based on the KittyPi Bed (which is knitted & felted.)

The bed is shaped like a flat-bottomed bowl.  It’s soft and comfy, but has some structure due to the felting.  The bed looks very different before felting.

You’ll need to use a natural fiber yarn to get it to felt.  Here are a few  tutorials on felting:  this one covers both hand & machine felting, here is a printable one on machine felting, and another on hand felting.

DIY: Holiday Round-Up Of Gift Ideas


Here’s the collection of DIY projects I’ve written about recently that would make good, inexpensive presents this year when money is tight for so many.

PetProject hopes all of you are enjoying the season, that you & yours are healthy & happy, and that the coming year is filled with joy.

On with the projects!

Cat Toys:

Dog Toys:

Pet Beds:

Dog Sweater:

DIY: 2 Braided Tug Toy For Dogs


Today, I’ve got a super simple DIY dog toy for you and it’s thrifty too.  Yea!  Braided tug toys are pretty durable since there are no seams to rip and no stuffing to come out.  These two versions are even washable.


The first braided toy uses fleece. If you’ve got pieces long enough, you can use scraps.  Otherwise, the tutorial this tutorial calls for 3 1/4 yards of fleece.  Check the remnants table at your fabric store and keep an eye out for sales.  If you want a wider braid, try four strands.  Just follow these instructions on four strand braids(scroll down).

Pant Legs:

The second braided toy uses pant legs from old pairs of pants.  You’ll need two pairs of pants.  I think a large  binder clip might be handy for when you’re hand sewing each end.  An alternate way to finish the ends, might be to tie them off with twine by wrapping the ends a several times and knotting the twine.  Easy and cheap!