Pet Food Recall: Iams & Eukanuba

The recall of Iams Veterinary Prescription Renal Diet Cat Food has been expanded by Procter & Gamble to include many other varieties made in the same manufacturing plant due to possible salmonella contamination.  The recall now includes

  1. Iams Veterinary Dry Formulas–All dry sizes & varieties, Best by: 01Jul10-01Dec11, All UPC Codes
  2. Eukanuba Naturally Wild—All dry sizes & varieties, Best by: 01Jul10-01Dec11, All UPC Codes
  3. Eukanuba Pure—All dry sizes & varieties, Best by: 01Jul10-01Dec11, All UPC Codes
  4. Eukanuba Custom Care Sensitive Skin—All dry sizes & varieties, Best by: 01Jul10-01Dec11, All UPC Codes

There are over 60 varieties being recalled so be sure to check the lengthy list.

Interestingly Proctor & Gamble and the FDA have conflicting explanations as to why this news was made public yet again on a Friday where it gets less coverage over the weekend—dump & run.  Therese at PetSitUSA recieved email from Bev VanZant from P&G stating the FDA dictated the timing of the news release.  However, FDA representatives at the American Veterinary Medical Convention told Gina Spadafori from PetConnection:

the FDA has no power to force a mandatory recall,  and only after companies refuse to put out information on these so-called “voluntary” recalls — which are often the result of FDA arm-twisting — will the FDA put out information in advance of a company’s own efforts to share — or not share — the information.

Maybe someday all companies will put safety before profits.  Maybe?

What you need to know about Salmonella

Salmonella can cause serious illness in cats and dogs and there can be cross-contamination to humans causing serious illness in humans.

Offspring Of Hero Dogs Rescued Too

This is so neat!  Five other stray dogs, Bear, Alph, Low Rider, Jackie and B, have been brought to the U.S. from Afghanistan. They are offspring of the 3 dogs—Rufus, Target, & Sasha–who attacked a suicide bomber at a U.S. base.

Here’s coverage of Low Rider’s story–who got her name from her laid back personality & her fondness of sleep.  I’m thinking her short stature might have something to do with it too.  What incredibly lucky dogs!

Hero Dogs Reunited With Soldier

Target, Rufus, & Sasha, stray dogs in Afghanistan that hung around a U.S. base, sensed something wasn’t right about a man wearing an Afghan Border Police uniform. They started barking and then attacked what turned out to be a suicide bomber trying to enter the base The bomber was forced to detonate before he had gained entry. Sadly, Sasha was mortally wounded and had to be euthanized, but no soldiers were killed.

Now Rufus will be living in the U.S. with Sgt. Christopher Duke, one of the soldiers who was saved. And Target will be living with a medic from the base. Duke notes the irony that it wasn’t weaponry or equipment that stopped the bomber, it was just ubiquitous, stray dogs.

Gardening With Dogs Part II

You can have a nice garden and have dogs at the same time.  It takes a little work, some clicker training, & consistency, but it’s so worth it.  Imagine not constantly telling your dog “No”, not having a yard full of holes, or having your flower beds turned into dog beds.

Check out these really good suggestions for how you can train your dog not to garden.

You can bolster your training by employing these easy tips for keeping pets out of your flower beds.

Here are more great ideas on gardening with dogs. And check out what will be your garden’s best friend—the doggy digging pit!