Recall: Advanced Cetyl M For Dogs

Response Products is recalling Advanced Cetyl M Joint Action Formula for Dogs due to possible Salmonella contamination.

The recall includes lot #1210903 & #0128010, which includes 120-count bottles shipped between Jan. 8 and April 2 and 360-count bottles shipped from Feb. 11 to April 2 of this year.

Salmonella can cause serious illness in cats and dogs and there can be cross-contamination to humans causing serious illness in humans.

Earth Day DIY Round-Up: Rethink, Repurpose, Recraft!


We can do more than just Reduce, Reuse, Recycle—we can help the environment and ourselves by “upcycling” things we can no longer reuse.  Plastic grocery bags with too many holes become crinkly stuffing for cat toys.  A sad, old pillow is transformed into a pet bed.  A funky, old candy dish on a pedestal becomes a fancy, raised water bowl.  Try using your imagination before you go out to buy new things for your pets.  You might already have something around the house that will work as well or better than something new.  Save money, help save the planet!

Some of my favorite DIY projects that Rethink, Repurpose, Recraft!

Beds & Furniture:





Earth Day & Our Pets

PlanetGreen has a great post on how to limit your pets’ environmental impact. (Full disclosure: PetProject was included in Planet Green’s list of Top Ten DIY Sites.)

I recommend reading the whole post to see their good suggestions and the reasons behind them, but here are some of my favorite points.

  • adopt from a shelter
  • use pet-friendly deicer on sidewalks
  • compost dog poop
  • contain your pets

Topped only perhaps by habitat destruction, cats are the biggest, baddest bird killers of all time. Even wind turbines have got nothing on them. …[D]omestic cats do have an unfair advantage. Unlike wild predators, house cats are always well fed, well rested, and in tip-top fighting shape. They’re also present in more concentrated (and rapidly increasing) numbers than say, the San Clemente Loggerhead Shrike.

There are also tons of links to articles and useful websites, so check it out!

Earth Day: 30-Day Green Cat Challenge

Earth Day is Thursday April 22nd—here’s a great way to kickstart the week.  Last year, Holly Tse at Little Green Cat issued a 30-Day Green Cat Challenge. For 30 days, she looked at ways to give her cat a “green makeover” and she has some really good ideas.

A few of my favorites are:

Holly also has a book, Make You Own Cat Toys: Saving The Planet One Cat Toy At A Time.